Verification page

Check that you're on the right site and that the list of our contacts is signed by our PGP key. Without verification, you expose yourself to potential scams, and therefore to the loss of your funds. We cannot be held responsible or complicit in this type of action if you fail to verify properly.

How do I verify ?

First, make sure you have a PGP key manager such as Kleopatra.
Download our PGP public key just here, or display it without downloading just here.
Once downloaded, import the key into Kleopatra, and copy and paste the message below into the manager's notepad. If all the information matches, and the message is signed with the downloaded key, you're all set.

WARNING: when copying the message, start from the FIRST "-" chararcter to the LAST "-" chararcter.
Click here to display the signed message.

Any conversation concerning trades must be initiated on Simplex or Session. All requests for trades outside of these applications will be redirected to these applications.