What is Retoswap (Haveno-reto) ?
Retoswap, also known as Haveno-reto, is an instance of Haveno, a decentralized, non-custodial exchange platform for Monero and fiat currencies. Retoswap uses the same code as Bisq, but is based on Monero rather than Bitcoin. In addition to connecting buyers and sellers on a peer-to-peer basis, Retoswap acts as a multisig escrow. For a trade to be validated, it must be signed by 2 parties: the buyer and the seller. However, in the event of a dispute, if one of the two parties does not wish to validate the trade, an arbitrator comes into play. After analyzing the trade and comparing the two parties versions, the arbitrator will validate the transaction in favor of whichever party appears to be the most legitimate. See the Resources section for more detailed explanations.
How to use Retoswap ?
First, you need to install Retoswap on your computer as it's only available on deskop.
Go to Retoswap and choose the version that suits you best.
If you have an antivirus, it may block the installation. You can “remove the threat” for this installation only. Once you've extracted the file and accepted Retoswap's terms of use, you'll have access to the platform.
Go to the “account” section, then add a new account according to your needs. In our case, we'll choose “Cash by mail” as our payment method. When you've finished creating your account, remember to save it.
Also remember to set a password for your wallet and make a backup of your seed.
WARNING : you create a wallet here, which means that if you lose the seed, you lose access to the funds deposited in this wallet.
In the case of any problem, you can always restore your wallet on the application of your choice. (Feather, Cake Wallet, Monerujo...)
For monero buying operations : When you buy monero, make sure you deposit the security deposit amount specified on the trade announcement (the minimum set by the platform is 15% of the trade amount).
For monero selling operations :
When you sell monero, make sure you deposit : the amount of the trade, including our purchase fees, plus the amount of the security deposit specified on the trade announcement (the minimum required is 15% of the trade amount).
PRECISION : This deposit is intended to prevent malicious actions during trades. In the event of a dispute, you may lose part (or all) of the deposit to your counterparty if there is an attempt at scamming or other action from any side.