How to trade ?
To ensure a smooth trade for everyone, we ask you to follow the steps below carefully. For a better experience, we invite you to consult the Retoswap website, as well as our Resources section, in order to have all the keys in hand for your first trade.
First contact
Before initiating any trade, it's essential to contact us in order to define a few points together. We'll look at :
- Terms and conditions of the trade
- The amount you want to trade
- Fees that apply to the trade
- Any other questions you may have
Trade opening and progress
Once we have agreed on the above points, we'll proceed to open the trade on Retoswap. The terms and conditions will be outlined in the trade chat.
For monero selling operations : Once the trade has been opened, we guarantee that your parcel will be picked up within 24 hours. We'll communicate the tracking code in the trade chat. We pack our parcels discreetly and carefully, as demonstrated by the hundreds of parcels shipped and received without any loss or seizure. In this way, the seller takes responsibility in the event of loss or seizure of the parcel. We film the count, banknote verification and packaging of the parcel. This will constitute proof in the event of a dispute, and will be deleted as soon as the trade is finalized. Any tracking number marked as “delivered to recipient” or “dropped off at locker/point of collection” is considered as received. From this stage onwards, you undertake to collect and validate the trade within 24 hours. After this time, a dispute will be opened on Retoswap.*.
*Additional time may be granted depending on circumstances, ask for conditions before opening the trade.
For monero buying operations : We only accept parcels sent via Mondial Relay, so we invite you to find out more about this shipping method. Once the trade has been opened, you undertake to drop off the parcel within the time limit set by message, and to send the tracking of the parcel in the trade chat. As we cannot control the quality of the packaging of your parcel, you undertake to take all responsibility in the event of loss/theft/seizure. We still strongly recommend that you film the countdown, packaging and dispatch of the package.
Trade finalization
For monero selling operations : Once the parcel has arrived at your destination, all you have to do is pick it up and validate the trade on Retoswap. We'll get back to you within the agreed time to make sure you don't forget.
For monero buying operations : When your package is received, we will collect it within the agreed time. Opening and counting will be done on video. The bills will be checked by a professional counter. If there are no problems, we immediately validate the trade and you'll receive your monero shortly afterwards.